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07-18-11 Fin/Admin Cmte
Wednesday, July 18, 2011
Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center

PRESENT:  Ben Spragg, Kathy Fetchik, Gary Davis, Dan Amaral, Jan Andras,
                    Kevin Fitzgerald, Jeff Capeci

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Pat Llodra, George Ferguson, John Voket

Legislative Council Chairman Jeff Capeci called the meeting of the newly combined Finance and Administration Committees to order at 7:17 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Ms. Fetchik, the minutes of the 6/13/11 Finance Committee meeting were unanimously accepted.

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN:  Mr. Capeci asked for nominations.  Ms. Fetchik nominated Ben Spragg.  Being seconded and hearing no further nominations, Mr. Spragg was unanimously elected.

ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN:  At this time, Mr. Spragg took the Chair and asked for nominations.  Ms. Andras nominated Ms. Fetchik.  Being seconded and hearing no further nominations, Ms. Fetchik was unanimously elected.  

Policy on getting dept cap to 9%

Ms. Fetchik moved to recommend to the full Council that the Board of Finacne be requested to draft policy for reducing the debt cap to 9%.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Research on slowing future property tax increases

Council members were asked to submit any suggestions for slowing future tax increases.   Chairman Spragg received a suggestion to decrease town hall personnel hours from 37.5 to 35 hours weekly.  First Selectman Llodra advised that the clerical town hall union has a defined work week that was, in the past, negotiated into their contract.  If the 29 non-union town hall employees reduced hours, it would result in a savings of $134,640.   However, the non-union employees oversee the union employees so they need to be at work during the same hours.

Mr. Davis had some suggestions:

  • Look at the DPW to see if outsourcing and reducing employees is feasible and cost effective.
  • Look at making the Parks & Recreation Department self-sustaining.
  • Engage the Board of Education in discussions as to what they can look into to increase revenue for education.
  • Eliminate donations to non-profits.
Ms. Llodra feels that the quality of life in Newtown is very fragile right now and she does not want to do anything to reduce services.

Mr. Davis stated that we may look into his suggestions and find that the town is already doing a great job at getting the most services for the least cost.

Ms. Fetchik pointed out that for any big savings, we have to look at the biggest portion of the budget which is the schools.  All agreed that the schools should be looked at for possible savings without reducing quality.

Another suggestion for savings is that the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers go to Borough Zoning to request that they be allowed to rent offices to for-profits in order to increase their income.

Mr. Spragg will invite DPW Director Fred Hurley to the next meeting of this committee.


Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Jan Andras